Tuesday 12 January 2010

I Should Know This By Now!

Picture the scene: I am on my sofa with my laptop. At my right is my Moleskine diary and a few highlighters, on my left are this morning's breakfast dishes and a pen. I am ready to write my to-do list. The afternoon is full of promise and potential...and then the phone rings.

I have to admit that my day is not without any structure. At 5:15pm (approximately) Stuart will come home from work and then head out to college for 6pm. I have around 45 minutes in which to feed and water him. But that is the only event on today's horizon. Or it was.

The phone call? My mother phoned and asked if I wanted to make cake with her tonight. Can you say no to your own mother? I can't. I now have about three hours in which to squeeze everything I wanted to do, then feed Stuart and then go over to mum's and be Delia. She will expect me to stay until around 9pm (the time that Stuart finishes college) and then I will come home and have to sit with Stuart for a bit until he decides to go to bed, at which point I feel guilty because I don't want him to feel lonely in bed but I also want to stay up and blog.

Rargh-rargh-rargh-ma-ma <--------- the words of Lady Gaga.

The moral of the story: do it now, because you never know when people will put things on you. But I should already have these words seared on my eyelids.

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