Saturday, 10 January 2009

Grr! Argh! Etc.

Haven't had the greatest morning ever. Firstly my aunt and uncle dropped off a few engagement cards and a cheque for £80, then sat and talked with me (and then The Mothership) about work, the credit crunch etc. They left about half an hour ago and since then, the Mothership has got quite angry and upset, as usual. You see, my aunt is an annoying person. Firstly, she has never worked, while my uncle works six days a week to support them. Since she doesn't work, her time is spent at the gym, with friends, on the internet etc. Between the Aunt, her friends and the internet, they know everything, and you can't disagree with them. Naturally, the Mothership gets irate when the Aunt preaches about people who have £55,000 of debt then brags about a £63 mortgage payment each month. The Mothership has £40,000 and a £663 mortgage payment a month. Ouch. The Aunt has also managed to scrimp together £1,700 for a holiday to Florida this year. *sigh* As the Mothership put it, we can't get £170 together. It's the reason I'm doing four months of night shifts.

After they departed, the Mothership started complaining about how the Boyf and I can't afford a house. The Aunt's daughter, a little older than I am, has bought a house and is nicely settled in. When I dropped it into the conversation that I want to go to university i.e. there's no point getting a house, the Mothership (and this is boiled down to its essence) told me that my aspirations to be a doctor are here *raising hand above head* and that my effort is here *indicating the floor* and that I shoud realign them and become a nurse.

I have no concluding remarks except that I know she's right (to a point). I could be a doctor so I really want to show her but *casts eyes around messy room* I feel like I can't start studying until the room is sorted. *heavy sigh*

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