Thursday, 4 June 2009

iPhones, voting and LOVEFiLM! Oh my!

shedcat is wondering:
  • should I get an iPhone,
  • who shall I vote for today and
  • shall I upgrade my LOVEFiLM package?
Firstly, I want an iPhone. I want it because it's cool. The touch screen and sliding menus and gazillions of applications...*wants* My mother said I should get one because I work hard and I don't get much in the way of reward. But the downside is the cost. Currently I pay just under £30 a month for my phone, when you take in the cost of the insurance as well. For what I use of my phone, it's worth it. I barely text or phone anyone and I use the internet sporadically. However, if I got an iPhone, I am looking at having to pay £44 a month (£35 package, £10-11 insurance). Normally, I would never have paid that for a mobile but it is the iPhone. I think it's use as a mp3 player and mini-laptop as well as being a phone weigh out the cost. I just wonder if it's a bit extravagant and whether I want it for the right reasons?

Secondly, who am I going to vote for today? I am not going to vote Labour, because the state of the cabinet doesn't inspire my confidence. I would never vote Tory, because Maggie Thatcher tried to kill off the valleys by stomping out the pits. I did vote Lib Dem last time, but their involvement in the expenses row doesn't inspire me. BNP - never. UKIP, probably not. Plaid are Welsh nazis. Greens are looking good.

It's basically whether you want out of Europe or not. I think I do, but I haven't done any research and the media only give you skewed information. I don't like the idea of open borders and I agree that we need to have a serious debate about immigration. But I don't know. Ultimately, my little vote isn't going to have much of an impact so there's no point wittering on about it.

Thirdly, I think I will upgrade my LOVEFiLM package to a mixed package for games and movies. For less than a tenner a month I can watch a mixture of four games or DVDs. It would cost me eight times that if I was buying two new games and two new DVDs a month.

Later on I have to go to mediation and I am seriously not looking forward to it. I think ultimately I need to convey that I won't forgive and I won't forget what she did and that we will have a professional relationship only. It doesn't help to know that when I leave she will be blabbing about it to everyone who will listen and I won't be portrayed favourably. I think I will collar the HR man at the end and tell him that I am *so* not happy with the outcome. However, it is three months since it happened and I can't keep harping on about it. How I was treated and how she was treated is laughable. No wonder there is bullying in the NHS; HR don't step in when things like this happen.

Today's to do list:
  • Get all the chores done before I leave: general tidy, dishwasher, tumbledryer, hoovering.
  • Go to work
  • Get my rota for the next few weeks
  • Get to Halfords to buy clear door edge guards
  • Do the Home Organising Audit?

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