Friday, 17 October 2008

Well, today is my cousin's wedding but I'm actually not really bothered, which sounds cruel but it's mainly for the reason that I am disasterously unprepared. I still have not plucked my eyebrows, scrubbed my face, washed (and therefore dried and straightened) my hair, shaved my legs and armpits, done anything about my growing my nails or getting my hair trimmed or begrudgingly stumping up cash for a spray tan...and before I do anything I have to go to Tesco and buy some shampoo and conditioner. *sigh* It's just all too much, it really is. LOL.

The worst bit about today will be when my brother's girlfriend shows up, all petite waist and high heels and long curly hair and she will make me feel like crap because the scales lied to me and I am still 11 stone 4 and not 8 stone 7. *sigh*

The Mothership has just left for the salon to have colours put in. She woke me up around an hour ago to remind me that her parcel, a cardigan she'd ordered from Dorothy Perkins, was hopefully going to come today and that as she was off out I was to stand guard. The trouble with our house is that we don't have a doorbell that works, so we rely on superhuman hearing (that no-one posesses) in order to hear people tap the door. It is important to remember that there is (if you are e.g. in the kitchen) a distance of fifteen metres and a pair of doors between you and the postman. Luckily for us, by the time the Mothership reached the bottom of the stairs, the delivery people had been and left the parcel over the side gate. Hooray!

Now, having been unceremoniously awoken far too early given my late night and my (probable) sleep debt from earlier this week, I am in that foggy, heavy-eyes phase that is oh-so-awful plus I have a headache and I feel uninclined to do anything except sit here and fiddle with I have 21 things in total and I need to make them all SMART goals at some point and write up all my NUTs for the big NUT project. NUT stands for Nagging Unfinished Task and I have *so* many of those. The trouble is rounding up all the notebooks and writing the tasks on here.

I want to go back to sleep.

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