Tuesday, 3 February 2009

I should be in work right now. *smirk* I came home because of the snow, but now I'm feeling quite guilty and a bit of a liar. in my defence, the snow at work is an inch thick. It's double that outside my house. Plus, it's still coming down although not as heavily as it was earlier. And predictably, everyone had left their crystal balls at home so nobody could tell me when I was leaving work to tell me that it would be OK coming home. And that's why I feel guilty and a bit of a liar. I probably came home too early as well but I didn't fancy being stuck in work tomorrow morning after my shift ends. Knowing my luck, someone from this end of the woods will struggle to work in the morning and make me look like a wimp and/or skiver. *sigh*

However, I am feeling slightly more positive than I was before I went to work but hey, that's because I'm home. The whole of tomorrow is stretching out before me like a sunny ray of positivity but I know that I'll sleep late and I won't do half the things I want to do and then I'll be back in work. *sigh* Of course, with a bit of determination I could get up early and do all I need to and feel really productive and therefore better about going back to work. But I won't.

Ah, work. Stuffed to the brim with medical patients (we are a surgical ward and yes, it does matter. I don't nurse nutters.) and having to do the late night linen run and the endless stocking. Having said that, I am coming off nights after next week, and I'm going onto weekends which is better for me in that it is a) more money per hour worked and b) I can stick to daylight hours but it means that I will see less of the Boyfriend. It also means that horrible 5:15 wake-up call on Sunday mornings and having to crawl out of the warmest bed imaginable. It's soul destroying, truly.

After reviewing the last entry, I figured that I should tell you that the First Aid course was semi-fun. I am stuck in the naughty group, which comprises of the man's men C, A, and M with lovable but annoyingly camp as Christmas J as well as a few others. Every hour or so they require a nicotine break...*grr* and seemingly nobody can function without coffee/tea for very long. The session dragged from 8am until 2pm and it was quite informative, although it did get a bit annoying when the boys decided to fight over what order to treat people at an RTA given their injuries. *sigh* I did get a tad upset when I was paired with the new girl, a trainee midwife. Apparantly no-one wanted to pair with me but I suppose that's what I get when I don't mix. Afterwards they all went for a drink and I was invited but I didn't go (the pressing thought of housework) plus I don't get the feeling I connect with them. I also know the reason why what I dressed in was important: I'm not very confident that the person I am will impress anyone. A sad but truthful statement, I think.

As for sleep, I didn't get to sleep until at least 3:15am before the course. I got up at 5am. I need to start keeping a sleep diary listing times I get up, the times I get to sleep, whether I sleep well, whether I felt tired going to bed, whether I felt tired during the day etc.